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In conjunction with "The Year of the Blues" and the PBS television special "The Blues", the Palm Beach Post did an article on the Blues. One of the people interviewed for the article was our own "Blewzzman", Peter Lauro. The following excerpt is taken from the Palm Beach Post's article.
Palm Beach Post "Our Blues Brothers (and sister)"
By Charles Passy, Palm Beach Post Music Writer
Sunday, September 28, 2003
Blues fan: Pete Lauro, president of Treasure Coast Blues Society and blues writer, Port St. Lucie
What the blues means to him: "My slogan is the blues is my passion and therapy. People think it's depressing music. It's not. You go into a blues club and everybody is clapping their hands and shaking their feet. It gets in your soul."
Favorite blues recording: Koko Taylor's I'd Rather Go Blind. It's basically a song where the woman is saying to the man that she would rather go blind than see her man with another woman. It's the ultimate love thing you can say to somebody."
Best blues concert he ever attended: "It was a satellite project of the Newport Jazz Festival, an event called 'The Best of the Blues' in 1973 at Lincoln Center's Philharmonic Hall in New York. It was with B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Big Mama Thornton, Jay McShann and others. What was so great was they had this big stage and it was set up as a cafe. There were all these little tables and all the musicians were sitting at them with their friends and family. It was a small, intimate setting and yet this was taking place in Philharmonic Hall."
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