
Eyeful of Blues

Page 22

Nicole Hart & The NRG Band
Sebastian, Florida, July 2008

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NICOLE HART & THE NRG BAND at Earl's Hideaway in Sebastian, Florida

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The very lovely and lively NICOLE HART, singing and clapping up a storm

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The main man in the NRG Band, LANCE ONG on the Keytar

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The flamboyant ALVIN HARRISON on snake......errrr I mean Bass

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Guitarist JARED KAHN tweaking out the blues

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Youthful and very talented IAN CARROLL on drums

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NICOLE with that ever present twinkle in her eye for LANCE

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NICOLE struttin' her stuff

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A work of art or an instrument? Both - ALVIN'S extremely interesting hand made Bass

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LANCE and JARED mixing it up on Keytar and Guitar

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LANCE, NICOLE, ROSE and BLEWZZMAN PETE are always happy to see each other

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